Iron Mountain, MI
Commissioned in the Spring of 2016, this new 9.2 MW powerhouse, located on the Menominee River on the border of Wisconsin and Michigan, houses two vertical 2500 mm axial flow Kaplan turbines with 4600 kW / 240 rpm synchronous generators, hydraulics and unit controls provided by CHC. The new plant and spillway were built to replace the original generating station constructed in 1912, which was in deteriorating condition and would not last through the plant’s power license which expires in 2040. The new state-of-the-art powerhouse, built on the opposite shore of the river, across from the original plant, allowed the existing plant to continue to generate power while the new powerhouse was under construction.
In May 2017, CHC, together with We Energies and Black and Veatch were presented with the US National Hydropower Association Outstanding Stewards of America’s Waterways (OSAW) Award in Washington, DC for the Twin Falls Hydroelectric project. The OSAW award recognizes hydro projects that demonstrate significant technical contributions. The project, which was developed using an early-engagement, progressive design-build approach, was completed on schedule and within budget.
- 9.2 MW Plant Capacity
- Water-to-Wire Equipment Package
- Two (2) 2500 mm Axial Flow Kaplan Units
- Net Head: 14 m (43.1 ft)
- Output: 4583 kW per unit
- Commissioned 2016